!!!! Ready to go home on the 08/02/2024 at 8 weeks old !!!
Bella is our beloved little girl and she has been a fantastic mother to her litter
welcomed 9 beautiful puppies into the world on 14th December 2023.
Mum Bella KC register is a beautiful Labrador Ret fully DNA tested Clear of all Labrador Retriever Genetic Diseases as well as having amazing Hip (8/4)/Elbows0/0 Scores and Eye Examination: Clear,Bella has an exceptional temperament, very affectionate, playful, loving and Eager to please.
Max (Stud dog) (has a wonderful temperament and loves everybody and everything. HIP SCORE 4/4 ELBOWS 0/0 GR PRA1 N/N CLEAR GR PRA 2 N/N CLEAR MD N/N CLEAR ICH N/N CLEAR DM N/N CLEAR PRCD N/N CLEAR NCLGR N/N CLEAR, CLEAR EYE- GPRA/CPRA/HC
Tests certificates are available to view
We have 5 females and 4 boys available.
Mum can be seen when you view the puppies too xxxx
Puppies and parents are lovely around children
All our puppies are raised in our home where they will get early neurological stimulation and nurturing from birth.
Puppies are wormed at 2/4/6 and 8 weeks before they leave to join their families,at 8 weeks the pups will have their 1st vaccinations , heath check from our Vets and also puppies will be microchipped .
Puppies will be KC registered... All our puppies will leave us with a substantial going home pack plus puppy food compliments of our suppliers included in the puppy pack will be 5 weeks free insurance KC pedigree and details of the puppy. If you are interested in one of these beautiful puppies please contact us .
You are welcome to call me for any enquires.
Thank you,